10th Anniversary Booklet of the School of Biomedical Sciences

Following official inauguration in 2010, the School of Biomedical Sciences of The Chinese University of Hong Kong recently celebrated its 10th anniversary by proudly presenting a new publication titled A Decade of Adventure and Growth, journeying our readers through the major milestones and accomplishments achieved in the School’s first brilliant decade of development.

The booklet can be viewed and downloaded HERE.

於2010年正式成立的香港中文大學生物醫學學院,最近為其十周年誌慶,特意出版題為「A Decade of Adventure and Growth」的十周年紀念特刊(只提供英文版),藉此與各位讀者一同回顧本學院首個精彩十年的發展,當中包括重要的里程碑和成就。


于2010年正式成立的香港中文大学生物医学学院,最近为其十周年志庆,特意出版题为「A Decade of Adventure and Growth」的十周年纪念特刊(只提供英文版),藉此与各位读者一同回顾本学院首个精彩十年的发展,当中包括重要的里程碑和成就。


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