Prof. Huang Yu and Prof. Jacque P.K. Ip being awarded by the Research Grants Council
A Research Grants Council (RGC) Award Presentation Ceremony was held on 24 November 2020 to honour outstanding research academics from University Grants Committee (UGC)-funded universities for their distinguished research achievements and significant contributions to the higher education sector. Prof. Huang Yu, Professor and Associate Director (External Links) of the School of Biomedical Sciences (SBS), and Prof. Jacque P.K. Ip, Assistant Professor of SBS, won the awards under the inaugural RGC Senior Research Fellow Scheme (SRFS) and Early Career Scheme (ECS), respectively.
The awarded project of Prof. Huang Yu was entitled “Systematic Benefit of Physical Activities: Crosstalk between Organs on Signal Transduction from Mechano-stimulation to Metabolism”. Prof. Jacque Ip was awarded with the project titled “Investigating the roles of input-specific cooperative synaptic plasticity in visual cortical plasticity: implications for amblyopia”. The recipients of the awards were selected through a rigorous process and keen competition overseen by RGC selection panels comprising local and international experts. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the ceremony was mainly held virtually with the awardees joining via video-conferencing, while the RGC Senior Research Fellows including Prof. Huang Yu received the awards in person at the UGC Secretariat's office.
Once again, we would like to extend our heartiest congratulations to Prof. Huang and Prof. Ip for their exemplary research achievements and wish them continued success in their research endeavour in future.
The previous coverage on Prof. Huang’s RGC SRFS award can be viewed HERE; while the related coverage by Research Grant Council can be viewed HERE.
Further announcement made by CUHK on Prof. Jacque Ip receiving RGC Early Career Award can be viewed HERE.
黃聿教授獲獎的研究項目題為“Systematic Benefit of Physical Activities: Crosstalk between Organs on Signal Transduction from Mechano-stimulation to Metabolism”,而葉栢勤教授的獲獎研究項目為“Investigating the roles of input-specific cooperative synaptic plasticity in visual cortical plasticity: implications for amblyopia”。 獲獎的研究學者均經過由本地及海外專家學者組成的研資局遴選小組根據嚴謹的程式選出,競爭過程激烈。鑑於疫情,頒獎典禮主要透過網上舉行,得獎者透過視像會議方式參與儀式,而獲獎的研資局高級研究學者包括黃聿教授,則於教資會秘書處辦公室親身接受獎項。
黄聿教授获奖的研究项目题为”Systematic Benefit of Physical Activities: Crosstalk between Organs on Signal Transduction from Mechano-stimulation to Metabolism”,而叶栢勤教授的获奖研究项目为”Investigating the roles of input-specific cooperative synaptic plasticity in visual cortical plasticity: implications for amblyopia”。 获奖的研究学者均经过由本地及海外专家学者组成的研资局遴选小组根据严谨的程序选出,竞争过程激烈。鉴于疫情,颁奖典礼主要透过网上举行,得奖者透过视像会议方式参与仪式,而获奖的研资局高级研究学者包括黄聿教授,则于教资会秘书处办公室亲身接受奖项。