Inauguration Ceremony for New BSc in Biomedical Sciences Students (2022/23)
As an annual event to mark the official start of the new academic year, the BSc Programme Team of the School of Biomedical Sciences (SBS) organized the Inauguration Ceremony for Academic Year 2022/23 on 5 September 2022, to welcome the newly admitted students of the BSc in Biomedical Sciences Programme. It was well attended by over 120 students and academic staff of the School.
After the opening remarks by Miss Abbey F.K. Basoglu and Mr. Jirat Thanapolprasert, Year 2 students in BSc in Biomedical Sciences Programme, Prof. Chan Wai-yee, Pro-Vice-Chancellor/Vice-President (Strategic Developments) of CUHK and Founding Director of SBS, and Prof. Andrew M. Chan, Director of SBS delivered their welcome speeches respectively. Afterwards, Academic Mentors (AMs) and Personal Development Mentors (PDMs) presented welcome gifts to the new students. All freshmen were then arranged to meet their AMs and PDMs to further interact and mingle with each other. We welcome all new students for joining the big family of SBS and wish all teachers and students a delightful and fruitful academic year ahead.
Group photo of the Inauguration Ceremony
Prof. Chan Wai-yee
Prof. Andrew Chan
在生物醫學理學士課程二年級生Abbey F.K. Basoglu 及Thanapolprasert Jirat同學致開幕辭後,中大副校長 (策略發展)及本學院創始教授陳偉儀教授,以及本學院院長陳文樂教授分別向新生致歡迎辭,之後學術及個人發展導師致送歡迎紀念品予新生。在開學禮完結後,新生獲安排與其導師見面及交流。我們衷心歡迎新生加入本學院,並祝願所有老師及學生展開愉快及豐富的新學年。
在生物医学理学士课程二年级生Abbey F.K. Basoglu 及Thanapolprasert Jirat同学致开幕辞后,中大副校长 (策略发展)及本学院创始教授陈伟仪教授,以及本学院院长陈文乐教授分别向新生致欢迎辞,之后学术及个人发展导师致送欢迎纪念品予新生。在开学礼完结后,新生获安排与其导师见面及交流。我们衷心欢迎新生加入本学院,并祝愿所有老师及学生展开愉快及丰富的新学年。