Guo Yue, Ph.D. Graduate in Biomedical Sciences

Dr. Guo Yue obtained her Ph.D. degree in Biomedical Sciences from the School of Biomedical Sciences (SBS), CUHK in 2020. During her Ph.D. study under the supervision of Prof. Zhao Hui, she investigated the functional roles of the PI3K signaling pathway in neuroblastoma, and received comprehensive training at SBS, ranging from experimental techniques, scientific thinking, to the presentation of scientific data.

Upon graduation, Dr. Guo has been working as a postdoctoral fellow in Prof. Nathalie Wong’s laboratory at the Department of Surgery, CUHK studying hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Using patient-derived organoids and gene editing tools, she is focusing on the mechanisms underneath tumor development and drug resistance in HCC patients.

The rich and systematic training received in SBS has enabled Dr. Guo to build up her research and scientific thinking skills -- starting from a scientific question, followed by hypothesis needs to be carefully checked and examined with repeated experiments and adjustments. Apart from these very basics, she also considers it equally important to be connected with relevant people in academia, which is significant for her career development. In the future, Dr. Guo will keep focusing on the oncogenic study and learn more high-throughput methodologies, aiming to push forward the development of tumor treatment.

Dr. Guo Yue (4th from left, front row) and her labmates

郭月博士於2020年取得香港中文大學生物醫學學院頒發的生物醫學哲學博士學位。在趙暉教授的指導下,她研究了PI3K 信號通路在神經母細胞瘤中的作用。在本學院學習期間,郭博士在實驗技術、科研思維以及科研數據演示等多個範疇獲得全面的訓練及支援。現在郭博士作為博士後在中大外科學院的王昭春教授實驗室工作,嘗試利用腫瘤類器官模型和基因編輯手段,研究肝癌的發展以及耐藥機制。



郭月博士于2020年取得香港中文大学生物医学学院颁发的生物医学哲学博士学位。在赵晖教授的指导下,她研究了PI3K 信号通路在神经母细胞瘤中的作用。在本学院学习期间,郭博士在实验技术、科研思维以及科研数据演示等多个范畴获得全面的训练及支援。现在郭博士作为博士后在中大外科学院的王昭春教授实验室工作,尝试利用肿瘤类器官模型和基因编辑手段,研究肝癌的发展以及耐药机制。



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