CUHK – University of Southampton (UoS) Joint Symposium on Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine
Jointly organized by the School of Biomedical Sciences (SBS), CUHK and the Centre for Human Development, Stem Cells and Regeneration, University of Southampton (UoS), UK, the Joint Symposium on Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine was successfully held on 24 March 2023 at Lo Kwee-Seong Integrated Biomedical Sciences Building, CUHK.
Two keynote speakers from CUHK, including Prof. Rocky S. Tuan, Vice-Chancellor and President of CUHK, and Prof. Patrick S.H. Yung, Clinical Director, Institute for Tissue Engineering & Regenerative Medicine (iTERM) & Chairman, Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology joined this event. Together with 17 speakers from both institutions, they presented their valuable findings in a broad range of research topics, such as stem cells as models in health and disease, stem cells and biomaterials in regenerative medicine, and tissue engineering and translational studies. Colleagues from CUHK Office of Academic Links and UoS Research and Innovation Services also shared the information on the international partnership funding opportunities. A day earlier on 23 March 2023, the UoS delegation were guided to have a campus tour, including the Core Laboratories of SBS, to learn more about our latest state-of-the-art research facilities.
The CUHK-UoS Joint Laboratory for Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine was established in 2016 for promoting more collaborative research and educational exchanges. This event and visit provided an ideal platform to gather scientists to showcase their latest research findings in stem cell, tissue engineering and regenerative medicine, and strengthened our academic connections for deeper collaboration.
Group photo of the Joint Symposium
Prof. Andrew Chan, Professor and Director of SBS (left) and Prof. Chan Wai-Yee, Li Ka Shing Professor of Biomedical Sciences and Pro-Vice-Chancellor/Vice-President, CUHK (right) deliver welcome remarks
Prof. Rocky Tuan (right) delivers souvenir to Prof. Jon Dawson, Co-director of CUHK-UoS Joint Laboratory for Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine, UoS (left)
Prof. Patrick Yung presents his keynote speech
Prof. Wan Chao, Co-director of CUHK-UoS Joint Laboratory for Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine, CUHK presents his research
Group photo of the SBS Core Laboratories tour
Snapshot taken at the Core Laboratories tour
中大兩位主講講者,包括中大校長段崇智教授和中大組織工程與再生醫學研究所臨床主任兼骨科與創傷學系主任容樹恒教授出席了是次活動。他們與來自本學院及南安普頓大學的 17 位演講者一同分享其於廣泛研究主題中的寶貴發現,主題包括幹細胞作為健康和疾病模型、再生醫學中的幹細胞和生物材料,以及組織工程和轉化研究。 中大學術交流處及南安普頓大學的同事亦分享國際合作資助機會的資訊。另外,於2023 年 3 月 23 日,南安普頓大學代表團在參觀中大校園期間亦參觀了本學院中心實驗室,以了解本學院最新的先進研究設施。
段崇智教授(右)向「中大—南安普頓大學幹細胞與再生醫學聯合實驗室」聯合主任南安普頓大學Jon Dawson教授(左)致送紀念品
中大两位主讲讲者,包括中大校长段崇智教授和中大组织工程与再生医学研究所临床主任兼骨科与创伤学系主任容树恒教授出席了是次活动。他们与来自本学院及南安普顿大学的 17 位演讲者一同分享其于广泛研究主题中的宝贵发现,主题包括干细胞作为健康和疾病模型、再生医学中的干细胞和生物材料,以及组织工程和转化研究。中大学术交流处及南安普顿大学的同事亦分享国际合作资助机会的资讯。另外,于2023 年 3 月 23 日,南安普顿大学代表团在参观中大校园期间亦参观了本学院中心实验室,以了解本学院最新的先进研究设施。
段崇智教授(右)向「中大—南安普顿大学干细胞与再生医学联合实验室」联合主任南安普顿大学Jon Dawson教授(左)致送纪念品