再生醫學教育部重點實驗室(香港中文大學 – 暨南大學)第四屆學術委員會會議

Similar to the previous meetings held in 2016 and 2017, members of the School of Biomedical Sciences (SBS) attended the 4th Academic Committee Meeting of the Ministry of Education Key Laboratory for Regenerative Medicine (The Chinese University of Hong Kong – Jinan University) (the MOE Key Laboratory) on 23 September 2019.

Led by Prof. Chan Wai-yee, Director of SBS, a delegation comprising Prof. Wan Chao and Prof. Zhao Hui, Associate Professors of SBS, and Prof. Chan Hon-fai, Assistant Professor of the Institute for Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine (iTERM) of CUHK, met with the attendees of the Academic Committee Meeting including Prof. Song Xianzhong, President of Jinan University, Guangzhou, and Prof. Wang Zhengguo and Prof. Cai Dongqing, Chairman and Member of the Academic Committee of the MOE Key Laboratory.

During the meeting, Prof. Zhao Hui and Prof. Chan Hon-fai presented, respectively, the progress reports on their latest findings related to the key research areas as identified by the MOE Key Laboratory. The Chairman and Members of the Academic Committee provided feedback to their presentations and further gave suggestions on the future development for the MOE Key Laboratory. The meeting was concluded by a closing remarks given by Prof. Chan Wai-Yee, summarizing the suggestions given by the Academic Committee, with words of encouragement to members to take concerted efforts that facilitate and promote more collaborative research projects under the MOE Key Laboratory.

如同2016年2017年舉行的會議,生物醫學學院成員於2019年9月23日出席再生醫學教育部重點實驗室(香港中文大學 – 暨南大學)(重點實驗室)第四屆學術委員會會議。



如同2016年2017年举行的会议,生物医学学院成员于2019年9月23日出席再生医学教育部重点实验室(香港中文大学 – 暨南大学)(重点实验室)第四届学术委员会会议。


