As the Project Coordinator, Prof. Vivian W.Y. Lui, Associate Professor of our School has recently been funded under the Research Grants Council (RGC) - Research Impact Fund (RIF) 2019/20 for a large scale, five-year Precision Medicine study entitled "Accelerating Precision Medicine Translation: Development of the First Evidence-based Clinical Exceptional Responder Gene-Drug Sensitivity Resource for Cancer". The project is approved with a total amount of HK$14.28 million, where HK$9.996 million comes from the RGC and the remaining 30% matching comes from the participating institutions. This is the largest of all RIF proposals funded in this round of exercise. The project investigates the genetic-drug sensitivity causes underlying exceptional therapeutic responses to impact and accelerate precision medicine development globally. This is the first exceptional responder study launching in Asia.
Prof. Vivian Lui leads this project, joined by the world renowned precision medicine leader, Prof. Gordon Mills from Knight Cancer Institute, Oregan Health & Science University, U.S.A, and collaborating Co-Principal Investigators, including Prof. Stephen K.W. Tsui from our School, and other scientists from CUHK, The University of Hong Kong and The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, as well as and the organisation partner, Dr. Celine H.K. Cheng from Jean-Marie Pharmacal Co. Ltd. We would like to extend our heartiest congratulations to Prof. Lui for her ongoing efforts and full commitment to pursuing research excellence.
In the RGC-RIF exercise 2018/19 last year, Prof. Vincent C.K. Cheung, Assistant Professor of SBS also obtained in the capacity of Project Coordinator the fund for a four-year collaborative project with The City University of Hong Kong and The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. The corresponding coverage can be viewed HERE.
呂教授領導此項目,並與世界知名精準醫學研究者、美國俄勒岡健康與科學大學Knight Cancer Institute的Gordon Mills教授及多位聯合首席研究員合作,包括本學院徐國榮教授及來自中大、香港大學及香港理工大學(理大)的科學家,組織伙伴為正美藥品有限公司Celine H.K. Cheng博士。是次申請結果充分肯定了呂教授對科研工作的投入及努力,我們謹此向呂教授致以衷心祝賀。
吕教授领导此项目,并与世界知名精准医学研究者、美国俄勒冈健康与科学大学Knight Cancer Institute的Gordon Mills教授及多位联合首席研究员合作,包括本学院徐国荣教授及来自中大、香港大学及香港理工大学(理大)的科学家,组织伙伴为正美药品有限公司Celine H.K. Cheng博士。是次申请结果充分肯定了吕教授对科研工作的投入及努力,我们谨此向吕教授致以衷心祝贺。