倫敦國王學院Fiona Watt教授及卡羅琳醫學院劉鳴煒復修醫學中心訪問團到訪

Prof. Fiona Watt, Director of the Centre for Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine, King’s College London, U.K. and a delegation from Ming Wai Lau Centre for Reparative Medicine (MWLC), Karolinska Institutet, including Prof. Sandra Ceccatelli, Director of MWLC visited the School of Biomedical Sciences (SBS), The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) on 6 November 2019.

Upon arrival, Prof. Chan Wai-yee, the then Director of SBS and Director of the Institute for Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine (iTERM) first gave the visitors a brief introduction on the latest development of SBS and iTERM. A fruitful meeting between the members from SBS and iTERM and delegates from MWLC was also held. They shared with each other their latest academic achievements and research findings to explore opportunities for multi-disciplinary collaborations. After the meeting, accompanied by Prof. Chan Wai-yee, Prof. Watt and Prof. Ceccatelli were arranged to tour the Core Laboratories located in the Lo Kwee-Seong Integrated Biomedical Sciences Building (LIBSB) to learn the all-round and cutting-edge equipment of SBS.

Afterwards, Prof. Watt delivered a talk titled “Exploring Heterogeneity of Human Skin Cells“, which was co-organised by iTERM and MWLC, and well-attended by over 200 academics and research staff not only from the School, but also from the Faculties of Medicine, Engineering and Science of CUHK. Through strengthening the mutual understanding in the visit, we hope to further fortify academic and research collaboration relationship with MWLC in the future.

The corresponding coverage by iTERM can be viewed HERE.

英國倫敦國王學院幹細胞與再生醫學中心主任Fiona Watt教授及卡羅琳醫學院劉鳴煒復修醫學中心(中心)訪問團於2019年11月6日到訪香港中文大學(中大)生物醫學學院(學院),訪問團成員包括中心主任Sandra Ceccatellit教授。


及後,Watt教授在由研究所及中心合辦的講座上發表題為「Exploring Heterogeneity of Human Skin Cells」的演說,吸引了超過200名來自本學院及中大醫學院、工程學院及理學院的學者及研究人員出席。透過是次訪問加深雙方的了解,我們期望學院與中心在學術及研究方面建立更緊密的合作關係。


英国伦敦国王学院干细胞与再生医学中心主任 Fiona Watt教授及卡罗琳医学院刘鸣炜复修医学中心(中心)访问团于2019年11月6日到访香港中文大学(中大)生物医学学院(学院),访问团成员包括中心主任Sandra Ceccatellit教授。


及后,Watt教授在由研究所及中心合办的讲座上发表题为「Exploring Heterogeneity of Human Skin Cells」的演说,吸引了超过200名来自本学院及中大医学院、工程学院及理学院的学者及研究人员出席。透过是次访问加深双方的了解,我们期望学院与中心在学术及研究方面建立更紧密的合作关系。

