葉栢勤教授榮獲香港中文大學醫學院2020年度Faculty Innovation Award
Prof. Jacque P.K. Ip, Assistant Professor of the School received the "Faculty Innovation Award 2020" of HK$1.25 million from the Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong with his research project.
We would like to extend our heartiest appreciation to Prof. Ip for his exceptional research promise and wish him continued success in his research endeavour in future.
本學院助理教授葉栢勤教授榮獲香港中文大學醫學院頒發的2020年度Faculty Innovation Award,其研究項目成功獲批共港幣一百二十五萬之研究資助。
本学院助理教授叶栢勤教授荣获香港中文大学医学院颁发的2020年度Faculty Innovation Award,其研究项目成功获批共港币一百二十五万之研究资助。