Prof. Yao Xiaoqiang, Professor of the School of Biomedical Sciences (SBS), The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) together with his research partners won the Second Prize of Chinese Medical Science and Technology Award presented by the Chinese Medical Association (CMA), with the awarded project entitled “Vascular Ion Channels as Targets of Cardiovascular Diseases”. This was a collaborative project between Prof. Yao’s team in CUHK and the researchers from Southwest Medical University, Sichuan Province, China. Prof. Yao’s team included Prof. Yao and his former Ph.D. students, Dr. Kwan Hiu-Yee and Dr. Shen Bing under his supervision.
We sincerely congratulate Prof. Yao and his collaborators on their exceptional achievements and wish them continued success in their research endeavors. The related coverage by the CMA can be viewed HERE.
香港中文大學(中大)生物醫學學院姚曉強教授及其研究夥伴獲中華醫學會頒授2020年中華醫學科技獎二等獎,其獲獎項目題為「心血管疾病血管離子通道靶點的研究與應用」,此項目由姚曉強教授及他指導下的博士生關曉儀博士及沈兵博士, 聯同中國四川省西南醫科大學的研究人員合作進行。
香港中文大学(中大)生物医学学院姚晓强教授及其研究伙伴获中华医学会颁授2020年中华医学科技奖二等奖,其获奖项目题为「心血管疾病血管离子通道靶点的研究与应用」,此项目由姚晓强教授及他指导下的博士生关晓仪博士及沈兵博士, 联同中国四川省西南医科大学的研究人员合作进行。