The 2020-21 Graduation Ceremony for the MSc Programme in Genomics and Bioinformatics (MSc Programme) of the School of Biomedical Sciences (SBS) was held on 6 November 2021 in the Lo Kwee-Seong Integrated Biomedical Sciences Building, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, marking the successful completion of the Programme by its 9th batch of graduates.
Prof. Andrew M. Chan, Director of SBS; Prof. Woody W.Y. Chan, Associate Director (Graduate Education) of SBS; and Prof. Stephen K.W. Tsui, Associate Director (Research) of SBS and Programme Director of the MSc Programme in Genomics and Bioinformatics were invited to officiate the ceremony. During the event, Prof. Andrew Chan and Prof. Woody Chan presented the Award of Excellence with scholarship to two graduates with outstanding academic performance, followed by a group photo session involving over 40 attendees, including graduates with their friends and relatives.
The MSc Programme was launched in 2011 and migrated from the CUHK-BGI Innovation Institute of Trans-omics to SBS in August 2018. The MSc Programme has been accredited by the Medical Laboratory Technologists Board for serving as the credits provider of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) for registered medical laboratory technologists (MLTs). There are 84 CPD credits in total to be given to the MLT students upon completion of the MSc Programme.
2020-21 年度生物醫學學院(學院)基因組學及生物信息學理學碩士課程畢業典禮已於2021年11月6日假中大羅桂祥綜合生物醫學大樓舉行,標誌著第九屆畢業生順利完成課程。
此課程始於2011年, 並於2018年8月由起初辦學的中大 – 華大基因創新研究院轉移至本學院繼續運作。本課程已獲醫務化驗師管理委員會認可,成為其中一個為醫務化驗師提供持續專業發展的課程。修讀者完成課程後可獲得84分持續專業發展(CPD)積分。
2020-21 年度生物医学学院(学院)基因组学及生物信息学理学硕士课程毕业典礼已于2021年11月6日假中大罗桂祥综合生物医学大楼举行,标志着第九届毕业生顺利完成课程。
此课程始于2011年, 并于2018年8月由起初办学的中大 – 华大基因创新研究院转移至本学院继续运作。本课程已获医务化验师管理委员会认可,成为其中一个为医务化验师提供持续专业发展的课程。修读者完成课程后可获得84分持续专业发展(CPD)积分。