BMS students awarded Silver Medal in iGEM Competition 2022

The team formed by students of the BSc in Biomedical Sciences Programme, the School of Biomedical Sciences (SBS) was awarded Silver Medal at the International Genetically Engineered Machine (iGEM) 2022 Giant Jamboree held on 28 October 2022. The awarded project named ATREUS is designed to overcome the limitations of the existing CAR-T therapies. Prof. Stephen K.W Tsui, Associate Director (Research) and Professor of SBS served as the primary principal investigator to supervise the project. Other School members, including Prof. Zhou Jingying, Prof. Feng Bo, Dr. Yeung Sai-fung, Dr. Carol Lee, Dr. Ann Lau also assisted the project as instructor or advisor.

We sincerely congratulate the students of the ATREUS Team on their great research performance and wish them every success in their studies and future academic endeavors.

The awarded team members include: (Front row, from left) Miss Er Hiu-suet, Serafina; Miss Leung Sum-yin, Valerie; Miss Fung Yu-shan, Chloe; Miss Lin Hong-man, Candy; (Back row, from left) Mr. Yam Ming-ho, Jacky, Miss Wong Hoi-ting, Rainbow; and Miss Lau Li-kei, Kelly

由生物醫學學院生物醫學理學士課程學生組成的團隊在2022年10月28日舉行的2022國際遺傳工程機器設計(iGEM)世界賽中獲得銀獎。 其獲獎的研究項目 ATREUS希望改善免疫細胞療法局限性。 學院副院長(研究)及教授徐國榮教授擔任主要首席研究員指導此項目,其他本院成員包括周京穎教授、馮波教授、楊世鋒博士、李家樂博士及劉善雅博士作為導師或顧問協助此項目。


獲獎團隊成員包括:(前行左起) 余曉雪、梁心姸、馮榆珊、林康敏同學;(後行左起) 任明浩、黃凱婷及劉理淇同學

由生物医学学院生物医学理学士课程学生组成的团队在2022年10月28日举行的2022国际遗传工程机器设计(iGEM)世界赛中获得银奖。 其获奖的研究项目 ATREUS希望改善免疫细胞疗法局限性。学院副院长(研究)及教授徐国荣教授担任主要首席研究员指导此项目,其他本院成员包括周京颖教授、冯波教授、杨世锋博士、李家乐博士及刘善雅博士作为导师或顾问协助此项目。


获奖团队成员包括:(前行左起) 余晓雪、梁心姸、冯榆珊、林康敏同学;(后行左起) 任明浩、黄凯婷及刘理淇同学

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