Miss Valerie Tanya Chan, BMS Student awarded CUHK Vice-Chancellor’s Scholarships for Excellence 2022/23

Miss Valerie Tanya Chan, a 2nd-year student of the BSc in Biomedical Sciences Programme of the School of Biomedical Sciences, received the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) Vice-Chancellor’s Scholarships for Excellence 2022/23.

The Presentation Ceremony was held on 27 November 2023 at Cho Yiu Hall, University Administration Building. Prof Rocky S. Tuan, Vice-Chancellor and President gave a Welcome Address followed by a Self-introduction by awardees and a Vote of Thanks by Student Representative.

The scholarship is offered to the most outstanding freshmen admitted to the full-time undergraduate programmes. 8 non-renewable awards of HK$50,000 each are given out to the distinguished new students admitted to any full-time undergraduate programmes, irrespective of the admission channel and residency each year.

Selection criteria for the scholarship was based on both academic and non-academic achievements, including their entrance results, first-term academic results, language proficiency, track record of distinguished leadership, commitment to service and awards attained.

We sincerely congratulate Miss Chan on winning this scholarship with her exceptional performance.

(from left) Miss Valerie Tanya Chan , Mr Tse Shing-chun (MBChB Year 2), Dr Hwang Shui Shan Isabel, Assistant Dean (Student Support) of SBS



香港中文大學校長卓越獎學金頒發予最傑出的本科新生。獎學金名額共8個,每項金額為港幣 50,000 元,頒予經任可途徑取錄入讀中大全日制本科課程之優秀的本地及非本地新生。



(左起)陳映言同學、謝承臻同學(醫學 – 環球醫學領袖培訓專修組別二年級學生)、 生物醫學學院助理院長(學生支援)黃水珊博士



香港中文大学校长卓越奖学金颁发予最杰出的本科新生。奖学金名额共8个,每项金额为港币 50,000 元,颁予经任可途径取录入读中大全日制本科课程之优秀的本地及非本地新生。



(左起)陈映言同学、谢承臻同学(医学– 环球医学领袖培训专修组别二年级学生)、 生物医学学院助理院长(学生支援)黄水珊博士

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