1st HKU-CUHK Joint Postdoctoral Biomedical Sciences Symposium 2024
The 1st HKU-CUHK Joint Postdoctoral Biomedical Sciences Symposium 2024 was successfully held on 22 March 2024 at the Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine of the University of Hong Kong. This symposium was co-organized by the School of Biomedical Sciences of the University of Hong Kong (HKU-SBMS) and the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK-SBS), with Prof. Martin C.H. Cheung and Dr. Jayne Barbour from HKU-SBMS, along with Prof. Stephen K.W. Tsui and Dr. Carol Lee from CUHK-SBS serving as key members of the organizing committee.
The event provided a valuable platform to bring together postdoctoral fellows from both schools to showcase their research achievements, engage with peers, foster collaborations and enhance their skills in communication, leadership and networking. It has attracted over 100 participants, including professors, postdoctoral fellows and postgraduate students from HKU-SBMS and CUHK-SBS. The keynote speech was presented by Prof. Zhenguo Wu from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) highlighting valuable scientific discoveries on muscle stem cell biology.
This year, a total of 25 abstract submissions were received, including 16 oral presentations and 9 posters on topics ranging from cancer and biological data science, neurophysiology and disease, immunology, inflammation and cell biology, to development, regeneration and tissue. We extend our heartfelt congratulations to all the prize winners for their outstanding presentations and research work. The awardees are as follows:
We hope that the counsellors will share their experiences from this programme with their students, inspiring more aspiring minds to join CUHK in the future.
Award | Name of Awardee |
Oral Presentation - First Prize | Anna Xiaodan Yu (HKU) |
Oral Presentation - Second Prize | Zoe Ho Ying Wan (CUHK) |
Oral Presentation - Third Prize | Jiayin Lin (CUHK) |
Poster Presentation - First Prize | Wenxin Zhang (HKU) |
Poster Presentation - Second Prize | Luhan Jiang (HKU) |
Poster Presentation - Third Prize | Jayne Barbour (HKU) |
Looking ahead, we are excited about the prospect of hosting this joint-university symposium by HKU and CUHK on an alternating basis annually, further promoting knowledge exchange and collaboration between postdoctoral researchers in the biomedical field from both schools.
Group photo taken at the symposium
Prof. Danny Chan, Director of HKU-SBMS (top left), Prof. Andrew M.L. Chan, Director of CUHK-SBS (top right), and Prof. Zhenguo Wu, Professor at HKUST serving as keynote speaker (bottom)
Prof. Stephen K.W. Tsui, Associate Director (Research) of CUHK-SBS (left), and postdoctoral representatives of the organizing committee, Dr. Jayne Barbour from HKU-SBMS (middle) and Dr. Carol Lee from CUHK-SBS (right)
第一屆香港大學-香港中文大學聯合博士後生物醫學研討會2024於2024年3月22日於香港大學李嘉誠醫學院圓滿舉行。研討會由香港大學(港大)生物醫學學院及香港中文大學(中大)生物醫學學院合辦。港大生物醫學學院張知恒教授、Jayne Barbour博士、中大生物醫學學院徐國榮教授及李家樂博士為籌委會主要成員。
今年共收到 25 份論文,包括 16 份口頭報告和九張牆報,主題涵蓋癌症和生物數據科學、神經生理學和疾病、免疫學、炎症和細胞生物學,以及發育、再生和組織。我們為所有獲獎者的出色報告及研究工作致以衷心祝賀。獲獎者名單如下:
獎項 | 獲獎者 |
口頭報告—第一名 | 余曉丹(港大) |
口頭報告—第二名 | 温可瑩(中大) |
口頭報告—第三名 | 林佳吟(中大) |
牆報報告—第一名 | 張文欣(港大) |
牆報報告—第二名 | 江露含(港大) |
牆報報告—第三名 | Jayne Barbour(港大) |
中大生物醫學學院副院長(研究)徐國榮教授(左)、港大生物醫學學院Jayne Barbour博士(中)及中大生物醫學學院李家樂博士(右)
第一届香港大学-香港中文大学联合博士后生物医学研讨会2024于2024年3月22日于香港大学李嘉诚医学院圆满举行。 研讨会由香港大学(港大)生物医学学院及香港中文大学(中大)生物医学学院合办。 港大生物医学学院张知恒教授、Jayne Barbour博士、中大生物医学学院徐国荣教授及李家乐博士为筹委会主要成员。
研讨会提供了一个宝贵的平台,让两所院校的博士后研究员聚首一堂,展示他们的研究成果,并与同侪交流,促进双方合作,以及提升沟通、领导才能和人脉网络方面的技巧 。 活动吸引了超过100人出席,包括来自港大生物医学学院和中大生物医学学院的教授、博士后研究员和研究生。 香港科技大学(科大)邬振国教授发表了主题演讲,重点介绍肌肉干细胞生物学方面的重要科学发现。
今年共收到25 份论文,包括16 份口头报告和九张墙报,主题涵盖癌症和生物数据科学、神经生理学和疾病、免疫学、炎症和细胞生物学,以及发育、再生和组织 。 我们为所有获奖者的出色报告及研究工作致以衷心祝贺。 获奖者名单如下:
奖项 | 获奖者 |
口头报告—第一名 | 余晓丹(港大) |
口头报告—第二名 | 温可莹(中大) |
口头报告—第三名 | 林佳吟(中大) |
墙报报告—第一名 | 张文欣(港大) |
墙报报告—第二名 | 江露含(港大) |
墙报报告—第三名 | Jayne Barbour(港大) |
港大生物医学学院院长陈振胜教授(左上)、中大生物医学学院院长陈文乐教授(右上 )、科大教授邬振国教授(下)担任主题演讲嘉宾
中大生物医学学院副院长(研究)徐国荣教授(左)、港大生物医学学院Jayne Barbour博士(中)及中大生物医学学院李家乐博士(右)