
The BSc in Biomedical Sciences Programme (BSc Programme) Team participated in or organized various activities between January and April 2018, including:

  • The 8th Anniversary of the School of Biomedical Sciences cum Inauguration of BSc in Biomedical Sciences Programme on 12 January 2018: Several BSc Programme students gave different performances to celebrate the event at the High Table Dinner. Please refer to the report on “8th Anniversary of the School of Biomedical Sciences cum Inauguration of the BSc in Biomedical Sciences Programme” for the details of the event.
  • Career Information Day on 20 January 2018: BSc Programme students actively attended the career talks and visited the company booths in order to learn the latest industry’s trend and development and to seek internship opportunities. Please refer to the report on “Career Information Day” for the details of the event.
  • Visit to Fire and Ambulance Services Academy on 16 March 2018: A total of 11 BSc Programme Year 2 students joined the visit and were briefed about the Academy, recruitment requirements and the career prospect. It is hoped that students could better understand their career options and select a suitable “Concentration Area” as required by the Programme.
  • Participation in HK SciFest 2018 on 24 March 2018: The School of Biomedical Sciences again participated in the HK SciFest organized by the Hong Kong Science Museum this year, and hosted one of the programmes namely “Decoding the Gene”. A total of 109 students took part in the activity at which hands-on workshops were arranged to enhance their awareness and interest in biomedical sciences.
  • Participation in the Academic Planning Day for Secondary 5 Students on 24 March 2018: Dr. Ann S.N. Lau, Deputy Director of the BSc Programme was invited to deliver an admission talk, while a group of the BSc Programme Year 1 students shared their experience on “Explore the meaning of life in University”. This is an annual event of the Office of Admission and Financial Aids (OAFA), The Chinese University of Hong Kong which aims to assist senior secondary school students to plan for their undergraduate studies. Over 80 students attended the event.

To further promote and attract prospective overseas students to enroll in the BSc Programme, Dr. Ann Lau of our BSc Programme Team continued to participate in several outreach and promotional events coordinated by OAFA. These included giving admission talks to two high schools in Malaysia between 20 and 22 January 2018; seven high schools in Kazakhstan between 30 January and 3 February 2018; and two high schools in Taiwan between 24 and 27 February 2018. It is our wish that more high caliber and promising students will be admitted to the Programme by making continuous efforts to promote the BSc Programme.


  • 生物醫學理學士課程學生參與在2018年1月12日舉辦的生物醫學學院八周年誌慶暨生物醫學理學士課程啟動禮,數名同學更獲邀於當日晚宴上表演(請按此處瀏覽相關報導)
  • 生物醫學理學士課程學生積極參加由生物醫學學院在2018年1月20日舉辦的職業資訊日,當中活動包括職業講座環節和與生物科學相關行業的公司擺放的展覽攤位,讓參與活動的同學更能了解行業發展趨勢,並尋找實習機會(請按此處瀏覽相關報導)。
  • 在2018年3月16日,11名生物醫學理學士課程二年級學生到訪消防及救護學院,參觀了消防及救護教育中心暨博物館和相關設施,了解學院背景、招聘條件和工作前景。我們期望參與活動的學生能了解社會上不同範疇的工作和發展的方向,有助他們挑選適合的專修範圍。
  • 生物醫學學院再度參與由香港科學館主辦的香港科學節2018,於2018年3月24日在香港科學館主持名為「基因解碼」的活動。當日吸引共109位學生參加,透過體驗工作坊,認識和了解生物醫學。
  • 香港中文大學(中大)入學及學生資助處於2018年3月24日舉辦一年一度的「中五生升學規劃日」,旨在協助中五學生為自己學業進行規劃。本學院生物醫學理學士課程副主任劉善雅博士獲邀主持講座,而生物醫學理學士課程的一年級生亦與參加者分享了他們在大學的經驗。當日共逾80名中五學生參與活動。



  • 生物医学理学士课程学生参与在2018年1月12日举办的生物医学学院八周年志庆暨生物医学理学士课程启动礼,数名同学更获邀于当日晚宴上表演(请按此处浏览相关报导)
  • 生物医学理学士课程学生积极参加由生物医学学院在2018年1月20日举办的职业信息日,当中活动包括职业讲座环节和与生物科学相关行业的公司摆放的展览摊位,让参与活动的同学更能了解行业发展趋势,并寻找实习机会(请按此处浏览相关报导)。
  • 在2018年3月16日,11名生物医学理学士课程二年级学生到访消防及救护学院,参观了消防及救护教育中心暨博物馆和相关设施,了解学院背景、招聘条件和工作前景。我们期望参与活动的学生能了解社会上不同范畴的工作和发展的方向,有助他们挑选适合的专修范围。
  • 生物医学学院再度参与由香港科学馆主办的香港科学节2018,于2018年3月24日在香港科学馆主持名为「基因解碼」的活动。当日吸引共109位学生参加,透过体验工作坊,认识和了解生物医学。
  • 香港中文大学(中大)入学及学生资助处于2018年3月24日举办一年一度的「中五生升学规划日」,旨在协助中五学生为自己学业进行规划。本学院生物医学理学士课程副主任刘善雅博士获邀主持讲座,而生物医学理学士课程的一年级生亦与参加者分享了他们在大学的经验。当日共逾80名中五学生参与活动。

