
Members of the Teaching and Learning (T&L) Unit in the School of Biomedical Sciences (SBS) attended the 2nd Medical Education Conference of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUMEC), which was jointly organized by the Office of Medical Education (OME) of the Faculty of Medicine and the CUHK Bioethics Centre on 16 and 17 March 2018.

Dr. Isabel S. S. Hwang, Senior Lecturer and Dr. Ng Yuen Keng, Lecturer of SBS, together with Prof. Albert M. C. Li, Assistant Dean (Education), Faculty of Medicine, Prof. Paul B. S. Lai, Director of OME, and two medical teachers from Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, CUHK, formed a team to serve as the facilitators in the CUMEC’s workshop called “Flipped Classroom – From Theory to Real-life Action”.

With participation in the CUMEC, it is hoped that the innovative pedagogical teaching practices adopted in our School can be shared with local and overseas medical educators.

生物醫學學院教與學單位成員於2018年3月16至17日參與了由香港中文大學(中大)醫學院與中大生命倫理學中心合辦的第二屆中大醫學教育研討會(CUMEC) (只限英文版本)。

本學院高級講師黃水珊博士及講師伍儒敬博士,聯同醫學院助理院長(教育)李民瞻教授、醫學院醫學教育處主管賴寶山教授、及兩位中大內科及藥物治療學系教師組成隊伍,在會議中主持題為“Flipped Classroom – From Theory to Real-life Action”的工作坊, 並協調工作坊的討論。


生物医学学院教与学单位成员于2018年3月16至17日参与了由香港中文大学(中大)医学院与中大生命伦理学中心合办的第二届中大医学教育研讨会(CUMEC) (只限英文版本)。

本学院高级讲师黄水珊博士及讲师伍儒敬博士,联同医学院助理院长(教育)李民瞻教授、医学院医学教育处主管赖宝山教授、及两位中大内科及药物治疗学系教师组成队伍,在会议中主持题为“Flipped Classroom – From Theory to Real-life Action”的工作坊, 并协调工作坊的讨论。

