The Fifth Director’s Cup – Badminton Tournament organized by the School of Biomedical Sciences (SBS) Postgraduate Student Association (PSA) was successfully completed on 10 March 2018.
A total of six teams formed by SBS students and staff members competed for the “Director’s Cup” this year. The six teams were Undergraduate Team 1 and 2, Cancer Biology & Experimental Therapeutics (CBET) Team, Developmental and Regenerative Biology (DRB) Team, Neural, Vascular, and Metabolic Biology (NVMB) Team and Staff Team. The champion trophy was once again generously sponsored by Prof. Chan Wai-yee, Director of SBS. After several rounds of fierce competition, the Staff team and the Undergraduate Team 1 won the Champion and the First Runner-up Award, respectively.
The Director’s Cup Badminton Tournament has been an annual sports event for increasing the communication and establishing a closer bonding among School members since 2012. The SBS PSA would like to express their deepest gratitude to all participants, judges and helpers for their active participation and help, as well as to School members for their unfailing support in this event.