基因組學及生物信息學碩士課程迎新聚會及師生諮詢會議 (2023/24)
To welcome new and current postgraduate students, the Orientation Lunch cum the Staff-Student Consultative Meeting was hosted by the Master of Science Programme in Genomics and Bioinformatics on 9 September 2023 (Saturday) in Function Room 4 in the Chung Chi College Staff Club. It was well attended by around 60 students and lecturers.
During the orientation, we were honorable to have the presence of Prof. Andrew M. Chan, Director of SBS, Prof. Woody W.Y. Chan, the Associate Director of SBS (Graduate Education), and Prof. Stephen K.W, Tsui, the Director of the MSc Programme, to give welcome addresses at the orientation.
Professors welcomed students to join the family of the SBS and encouraged them to strive for excellence and study hard proactively so to join with professors to develop the bioinformatics hub in Hong Kong.
Besides, in the Staff-Student Consultative Meeting, apart from getting familiar with the programme structure and teaching faculty of the MSc programme, all students gained fruitful experience by exchanging their learning tips and ideas, which embarked their enriching journey in SBS.
The School Director delivers the welcome speech
Students and teachers take a group photo after the event
基因組學及生物信息學碩士課程於2023年9月9日(星期六) 假崇基學院教職員聯誼會會所餐廳4號宴會廳舉辦了一場迎新聚會暨師生諮詢會議, 歡迎新舊同學們交流意見。是次活動有約60位新舊學員及老師參與。
我們很榮幸邀請到生物醫學學院院長陳文樂教授,學院副院長陳活彝教授(研究生教育)及課程主任徐國榮教授為學員們致歡迎詞。教授們不僅歡迎學員們加入生物醫學學院大家庭, 也鼓勵他們好好學習,期待著與他們一起創建本地生物信息樞紐。
此外,一眾學員除了能夠透過聚會認識碩士課程的綱領結構和老師團隊外, 亦能於席間交流學習心得, 互相勉勵, 過程十分愉快, 為豐盛的學習旅程掲開序幕。
基因组学及生物信息学硕士课程于2023年9月9日(星期六) 假崇基学院教职员联谊会会所餐厅4号宴会厅举办了一场迎新聚会暨师生咨询会议, 欢迎新旧同学们交流意见。是次活动有约60位新旧学员及老师参与。
我们很荣幸邀请到生物医学学院院长陈文乐教授,学院副院长陈活彝教授(研究生教育)及课程主任徐国荣教授为学员们致欢迎词。教授们不仅欢迎学员们加入生物医学学院大家庭, 也鼓励他们好好学习,期待着与他们一起创建本地生物信息枢纽。
此外,一众学员除了能够透过聚会认识硕士课程的纲领结构和老师团队外, 亦能于席间交流学习心得, 互相勉励, 过程十分愉快, 为丰盛的学习旅程掲开序幕。