
The BSc in Biomedical Sciences Programme Team participated in the following activities between May and August 2023:

  • Programme Exploration Day for 2023 JUPAS Applicants on 25 May 2023: This is an annual event organized by the Office of Admissions and Financial Aid (OAFA), CUHK. 78 prospective JUPAS applicants who had selected CUHK BSc in Biomedical Sciences in their JUPAS application were arranged to join the event. The activities held by the School of Biomedical Sciences (SBS) included a talk about the roles of biomedical scientists in modern medicine by Dr. Ann S.N. Lau, with sharing by our BMSC 3 & 4 students and a cell study workshop led by Prof. Zhao Hui and supported by our BMSC 1 students.
  • Academic Counselling Session for Mainland students on 2 August 2023: This is an official event organized by OAFA, CUHK. Students from Mainland China admitted to CUHK under the Science Stream took part in the session. Admission Talk and Programme Consultation by Prof. Zhao Hui and Dr. Ann S.N. Lau were held, followed by online admission interviews with students who chose our programme as their programme choice.

BSc Programme team also took part in the following activities for new and current biomedical sciences students:

  • Photo Day on 12 May 2023: Biomeraki, the Society of Biomedical Sciences organized the Photo Day to capture the memorable moments of the graduates of Class of 2023 and teachers.
  • Academic Counselling Session for New Full-time Undergraduate Students on 15 August 2023: The Registration and Examinations Section, Registry, CUHK hosted a counselling session for newly admitted undergraduate students. Course selection, exemption issues and other related information were introduced. Sharing sessions were conducted by academic staff including Prof. Anna Blocki, Prof. Jacque Ip, Dr. Ann S.N. Lau and supplemented by Ms. Ice Leung. Through interaction with current students and faculty members, the incoming students were able to obtain a deeper knowledge of the opportunities offered by the university.
  • Orientation Camp for Freshmen on 19 – 21 August 2023: Biomilliarium and the Organizing Committee of Orientation Camp organized interactive activities for freshmen to allow them to get to know and build a closer bonding with their fellow classmates as well as senior students.

Sharing by the BMSC students at the admission talk of the Programme Exploration Day

Prof. Zhao Hui conducts a cell study workshop at the Programme Exploration Day

Photo Day of the graduates of Class of 2023

Academic Counselling Session for new students

Orientation Camp for Freshmen

Orientation Camp for Freshmen


  • 於2023年5月25日,參與由中大入學及學生資助處舉辦的年度活動「中大課程探索日(2023聯招申請)」,78名在聯招系統中選擇了中大生物醫學理學士課程的聯招申請者參與此活動。本學院舉辦了由劉善雅博士主持關於生物醫學科學家在現代醫學的角色的講座,並有三年級及四年級學生分享他們在本學院及大學的生活,以及趙暉教授主持的細胞研究工作坊,並由本學院一年級學生協助。
  • 在2023年8月2日,參與中大入學及學生資助處安排舉辦學術諮詢及輔導講座。參與者包括來自中國內地的學生,他們已被中大被錄取至理科組別。他們參與由本院趙暉教授及劉善雅博士主持的線上入學講座及課程諮詢,及後已選擇生物醫學理學士課程為主修的學生亦獲安排在線入學面試。


  • 在2023年5月12日,生物醫學學會Biomeraki組織了攝影日,以照片捕捉 2023 年畢業生的難忘時刻。
  • 中大教務處註冊及考試組於2023年8月15日為新一屆全日制本科生學術諮詢及輔導講座,了解選科和學分豁免等實用資訊。講座有教研人員包括Anna Blocki教授、葉栢勤教授、劉善雅博士與學生分享,並有梁小冰女士補充分享。活動讓新生與高年級學生以及老師互相交流,亦更了解大學不同領域的機會。
  • 為協助新生融入大學生活及認識同學及高年級學生,Biomilliarium 及學院本科生會迎新營委員會於2023年8月19至21日為新一屆本科生舉辦迎新營,進行各種互動活動。



2023 年畢業生攝影日





  • 于2023年5月25日,参与由中大入学及学生资助处举办的年度活动「中大课程探索日(2023联招申请)」,78名在联招系统中选择了中大生物医学理学士课程的联招申请者参与此活动。本学院举办了由刘善雅博士主持关于生物医学科学家在现代医学的角色的讲座,并有三年级及四年级学生分享他们在本学院及大学的生活,以及赵晖教授主持的细胞研究工作坊,并由本学院一年级学生协助。
  • 在2023年8月2日,参与中大入学及学生资助处安排举办学术咨询及辅导讲座。参与者包括来自中国内地的学生,他们已被中大被录取至理科组别。他们参与由本院赵晖教授及刘善雅博士主持的线上入学讲座及课程咨询,及后已选择生物医学理学士课程为主修的学生亦获安排在线入学面试。


  • 在2023年5月12日,生物医学学会Biomeraki组织了摄影日,以照片捕捉 2023 年毕业生的难忘时刻。
  • 中大教务处注册及考试组于2023年8月15日为新一届全日制本科生学术咨询及辅导讲座,了解选科和学分豁免等实用资讯。讲座有教研人员包括Anna Blocki教授、叶柏勤教授、刘善雅博士与学生分享,并有梁小冰女士补充分享。活动让新生与高年级学生以及老师互相交流,亦更了解大学不同领域的机会。
  • 为协助新生融入大学生活及认识同学及高年级学生,Biomilliarium 及学院本科生会迎新营委员会于2023年8月19至21日为新一届本科生举办迎新营,进行各种互动活动。



2023 年毕业生摄影日



