第八届海峡两岸暨香港生命科學文化節暨2023 年生物醫學學院研究生日

One of the annual flagship events of the School of Biomedical Sciences for the current academic year will be expanded to become the 8th Cross-Strait Symposium on Biomedical Sciences cum SBS Postgraduate Research Day 2023, which will be held in Hong Kong Science Park on 9 – 10 November 2023.

The symposium aims to foster collaboration and knowledge exchange between different institutions. To achieve this, the organizing committee has invited 33 external guests from renowned institutions such as Peking University, Kunming Institution of Zoology and National Tsing Hua University. These distinguished guests will join our presenters from the School of Biomedical Sciences in presenting their cutting-edge research work, creating a dynamic platform for the exchange of ideas and advancements in the field.

此學院的年度旗艦活動將擴展為第八届海峡两岸暨香港生命科學文化節暨2023 年生物醫學學院研究生日,於2023年11月9日至10日在香港科技園舉行。


此学院的年度旗舰活动将扩展为第八届海峡两岸暨香港生命科学文化节暨2023 年生物医学学院研究生日,于2023年11月9日至10日在香港科技园举行。

