田小雨教授獲頒2023 Paul Dudley White 國際學者獎

Prof. Tian Xiao-Yu, Assistant Professor of the School has won the 2023 Paul Dudley White International Scholar Award by the American Heart Association, for abstract “L-arginine Metabolism Regulated By Sirt3 During Endothelial Cell Dysfunction And Atherosclerosis.”

The award is presented to the primary author of the highest ranked abstract submitted from each country/region to the American Heart Association’s Vascular Discovery: From Genes to Medicine Scientific Sessions 2023.

We would like to extend our heartiest congratulations to Prof. Tian. The work of Prof. Tian and her co-authors reflects Prof. Tian’s goal of achieving global excellence in cardiovascular science and medicine.

Prof. Tian Xiaoyu (3rd from left, front row) pictures with the participants of the American Heart Association’s Vascular Discovery: From Genes to Medicine Scientific Sessions 2023

本學院助理教授田小雨教授獲美國心臟學會頒發2023 Paul Dudley White International Scholar Award,她憑著「內皮細胞功能障礙和動脈硬化期間受 Sirt3 調節之 L-精氨酸代謝」為題的論文獲獎。

該獎項頒發給從每個國家/地區提交給美國心臟協會的Vascular Discovery: From Genes to Medicine Scientific Sessions 2023排名最高的論文摘要的主要作者。


田小雨教授(前排左三)與美國心臟學會Vascular Discovery: From Genes to Medicine Scientific Sessions 2023的參與者合照

本学院助理教授田小雨教授获美国心脏学会颁发2023 Paul Dudley White International Scholar Award,她凭着「内皮细胞功能障碍和动脉硬化期间受Sirt3 调节之L-精氨酸代谢」为题的论文获奖。

该奖项颁发给从每个国家/地区提交给美国心脏协会的Vascular Discovery: From Genes to Medicine Scientific Sessions 2023排名最高的论文摘要的主要作者。


田小雨教授(前排左三)与美国心脏学会Vascular Discovery: From Genes to Medicine Scientific Sessions 2023的参与者合照
